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The version of Oracle JRE 8 running on the system must be the most current available.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-66937 JRE8-UX-000180 SV-81427r1_rule High
Oracle JRE 8 is being continually updated by the vendor in order to address identified security vulnerabilities. Running an older version of the JRE can introduce security vulnerabilities to the system.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 8 STIG for Unix 2017-09-27


Check Text ( C-67573r1_chk )
Open a terminal window and type the command:
"java -version" sans quotes.

The return value should contain Java build information:

"Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (build x.x.x.x)"

Cross reference the build information on the system with the Oracle Java site to identify the most recent build available.

If the version of Oracle JRE 8 running on the system is out of date, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-73037r1_fix)
Test applications to ensure operational compatibility with new version of Java.

Install latest version of Oracle JRE 8.